Therapy models

Physiotherapy, Manual therapy

Personalized exercise therapy, treatments, rehabilitations, group sessions, joint mobilisation, soft tissue manipulation

Consultation, Body assessment

Before physiotherapy I suggest a full body assessment which involves taking a detailed subjective patient history, examination of strength, joint range of motion, balance, coordination, posture, walking and other functional capacities

Kinesio taping, cross taping

Kinesiology taping is a specific therapeutic method that is used with the intent of treating pain or disability. Also can help improving mobility or maximaze joint stability


The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is  presently the most effective manual pain therapy. The model was developed by Steven Typaldos American physician, who classifies connective tissue lesions into 6 groups. The therapist determines from the patient's body language which type of dystorsion (injury) occures to be treated.

Dog assisted movement therapy for kids

Animal assisted therapy is a goal-oriented complementary therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. Studies have shown that incorporating animals into therapy creates an increase in children's motivation to complete therapy goals

Prenatal and postnatal rehabilitation,
rectus diastasis treatment method

Hormone changes, shift of the centre of gravity, postural, neuromuscular and cardiovascular changes can make women more vulnerable during pregnancy. With specific exercises women can avoid dysfunctions while maintaining their physical activity.

Up to half of all women experience weakness in both the abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles after pregnancy. Rectus diastasis ('tummy-gap') can cause instability or poor core strength leading to developing pelvic or back pain, postural dysbalance or other dysfunctions. Postnatal rehab method helps restore functions

Online Physio

I am offering online (FaceTime, Skype, Whatsapp, Viber...) physio sessions to assess, advise and provide rehabilitation and patient education 

Physio session in your home

My professional services are available in your home. I provide all the needed equipments which you can rent for the period of therapy, rehabilitation if needed

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction therapy (Jaw)

Many people are affected by disease of the joint of the jaw or the tissues surrounding it, but most have no idea that this may be the cause of their complaints, although some methods of physiotherapy can influence and eliminate the problem

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